Principal's Corner

Dear parents/guardians,

maThank you to all who attended the gala on Saturday at the beautiful Orchard River View in Palisade. It was a wonderful evening full of Polynesian culture. Thank you, Mrs. Bellavia, and her dancers of Makana Polynesian Productions. It was such a treat to experience their cultural dances. I'd like to especially thank the gala committee and parent volunteers who worked behind the scenes to make this a memorable event.

Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week. On 5/7 and 5/9 we are asking students to help make their teacher(s) feel appreciated by doing the following:


  • Tuesday, May 7th - Bring a handmade card for your teacher(s).
  • Thursday, May 9th - Bring your teacher a flower. Vases will be provided in each classroom to make up a bouquet with the flowers brought by students.


The PTL is taking care of the rest of the week by providing coffee, bagels, muffins, lunch and chair massages.


God bless,

Mr. Aubert