Governance » Advisory Council

Advisory Council

The Advisory Council provides advice to the school principal and, where appropriate, the School Board.  The Advisory Council assists the Principal in maintaining good communications between the home, the school and the Board of Directors.

It provides a vehicle through which parents can provide service to the school and offers a mechanism for parent education. The Advisory Council assists Holy Family Catholic School in fundraising to meet the mission of the school and it  also serves as a means for initiating a policy action when needed (for example, letter writing, phone calls, and visits to legislators). The School Board works closely with the Advisory Council to understand the needs and concerns of parents and teachers.  When requested by the School Board, the Advisory Council assists in reporting to parents about activities and decisions of the Board of Directors. 

The Council is not a forum to discuss parent-teacher-student issues. When these matters are brought to any Advisory Council member or any Council general meeting, the concern is referred immediately to the principal. The Advisory Council does not have responsibility for discipline, curriculum development, approval of instruction materials, and employment of staff, school regulations or grievances.

The Advisory Council consists of a teacher and a parent from each level, primary, intermediate and middle school, making a total of 6 members.  for the 2021-22 school year, the members are:


Carrie Zentner, Teacher Rep
Carrie Fuoco, Parent Rep
Mallory Cyphers, Teacher Rep
Kristen Holvoet, Parent Rep
Middle School
Megan Clark, Teacher Rep
Ashley Reed, Parent Rep