School Life » Primary & Intermediate Grades

Primary & Intermediate Grades

We guide each student in developing religious values including the realization that actions of love towards others are a means of expressing God’s presence and self in others. We also focus on the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. We use the We Believe program.
Sacramental prep takes place at the parish the family is registered at. 
The Houghton Mifflin reading program is made of many components including:  vocabulary, phonics, grammar, different genres of writing with the Writer's Workshop, and stories to read aloud.  It also includes the stimulation of the imagination and creativity. 
Our Singapore math program has a consistent and strong emphasis on problem solving and model drawing, using concrete, pictorial, and abstract while focusing on in-depth understanding. Students will be taught to develop mathematical thinking and problem solving skills and apply these skills to formulate and solve problems. We work with whole numbers, addition and subtraction, mental calculation, multiplication and division, measurement, time, shapes, graphs, money and place value.
We focus on rules, citizenship, communities and map skills.
Our Science Curriculum is taken from the Graded Course of Study for Science from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati which includes learning about Amphibians, Mammals, Reptiles/ Dinosaurs, Butterflies, Birds, Weather, Plants, Matter (solids, liquids, and gases), keeping our bodies healthy and germs, simple machines and the Solar System.
Spelling lists are given out weekly along with a pre-test at the start of the week and a post-test at the end of each week. The units follow along with our reading program.
Students will have art, library, computer lab, music, and P.E. on a weekly basis.
5th grade students are required to take band.
Parents can expect up to 30 - 45 minutes of one-on-one homework every day of the week. The homework will reinforce what we are doing in class that week in Spelling, Reading, Handwriting, Religion, Social Studies, Science, and Math.